Friday, May 4, 2007

Want to Own an Apartment? Want to Work in Sydney?

Beijing Botanical Garden
Originally uploaded by

By email, Tomato told me that he finally owns one apartment of his own, after signing a good many papers these days. I am happy for him. Nonetheless, I can not help thinking of myself that I not only do not have any real estate till now, but also might get into debt in the following years. What an opposite situation we are under now!

I think I am a nomad continuing migrating from one city to another. I do not really have the desire to possess one house for myself, at least not at the current moment, partly because I do not have the feeling of belonging to any specific city, no matter Taipei, Shanghai, or Beijing. I keep searching for a place where I belong to.

I wrote to Tomato that I have already set out toward my destination, so that I do not have the right to become depressed for now. The only thing I should do is to concentrate myself on what I should accomplish each day, avoiding from keeping surfing on the Internet without purposes.

Another thing Tomato mentioned is that an acquaintance invited him to work as the designer in Sydney for the second biggest pearl supplier in the world. Perturbed for many days, he eventually declined the invitation because the affinity developing between him and the brand he has been cultivating in his current company whose headquarters located in Kaohsiung.

I supported his decision because Sydney, for him, is an unknown world where he can hardly harness the potential variations which might hinder his success. However, if I were him, I am not sure whether I would make the same choice because I am such a person who always pursues novelty and changes.

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